Facultad de Derecho

Facultad de Derecho

Call for papers – First English Issue

No. 57 (September – December 2023) 

The Revista Derecho del Estado, a Scopus-indexed journal of the School of Law of Universidad Externado de Colombia, invites the academic community to submit articles for its first full-English issue. With over 25 years of commitment to promoting and disseminating academic research in public law, the journal is now seeking to globalize the scientific dialogue and connect the legal academy in the Global South and North. 

Guest editors Marcelo Lozada (University of Oxford), Luz Helena Orozco (University of Oxford), Nelson Camilo Sánchez (University of Virginia), and Nathalia Sandoval (Getulio Vargas University) are honored to lead this initiative. This Issue intends to elevate Latin American analysis and debates to the international level, and to facilitate the interaction between English-speaking researchers and the Latin American region. 

The Revista Derecho del Estado welcomes original and unpublished articles  pertaining to constitutional law, public international law, administrative law, political science, philosophy of law and, more broadly, public law topics. General requirements and submission instructions can be found here

Submissions will be reviewed by two academic peers and the best articles will be selected for publication in Issue No. 57 (September – December 2023).  

Manuscripts must be sent through the journal’s webpage or by email to derechodelestado@uexternado.edu.co by April 10th, 2023. 

For questions or inquiries, please email derechodelestado@uexternado.edu.co